Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Real Punisher


Why is it that Hollywood like to remake old television shows and completely screw them up? Take The Honeymooners for instance. As you can see by the pictures, the first thing they did wrong was who they cast. Now, I'm not making this about race, there are some things you just don't change. It would be like making a Sanford & Son movie with an all white cast. If that were the case, I'd be voicing my opinion about that. Another example, Wild Wild West. If I recall, Jim West was a white guy in the show I grew up watching. I like Will Smith, but when he did that movie I lost a ton of respect for him. Not just for taking the roll, but because it was such a bad movie.

What's With All The Remakes?

Is it just me or does it seem like Hollywood is remaking, or rebooting everything under the sun these days. I can understand a remake, to a point. But not everything needs to be remade! For example, I've heard that they plan to remake Porky's. Why in the hell would you even mess with that? Don't get me wrong, some of the remakes are very good. I guess it just seems like they've run out of writers, or at least ones with talent for that matter. Now, the reboots. I'll just save that one for later.